Beers I have hated

By waltzingmathilda on 8:56 PM
There have only been three beers in my life that were SO bad, I was actually offended.

One was Magic Hat #9. Tasted like hobo piss.

Another was Purple Haze Wheat Beer. Undrinkable.

Another was some Italian beer that I had at the Capital City Carnival. I was pretty damn drunk by the time I had this one, so I couldn't tell you exactly why I didn't like it, or even what it was called. But it was pretty nasty.

And now, I have discovered a new contender for Worst Beer Ever.

It is Legacy Brewing Co.'s Midnight Wit.

It is described on the label as a "Belgian-Style beverage with a medium body and citrus overtones. Silky, creamy, and refreshingly delightful, Midnight Wit is the essence of pure pleasure."

At the bottom it says "Ale brewed with spices." Everything about that sentence appealed to me.

And now, I will digress here and talk a little bit about composting.

For the true novices, composting is the act of taking vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, newspapers, dryer lint and placing it in a bucket with some water with the purpose of letting it sit out in the sun and allow it to "cook." After the vegetable and fruit matter rot and breakdown, it becomes a lovely additive to one's vegetable garden.

Why the digression? Because Midnight Wit tastes like rotted vegetable compost. That's been urinated on by hobos.

Before even taking a taste of Midnight Wit, the smell hits you and immediately invokes a gagging reaction. When you taste it, its like someone has made a beer out of lemon-scented Pledge or lemon-scented Ant & Cockroach Raid. It is horrifying in every way imaginable.

You can read other reviews of this beer here. Keep in mind, most of these people must be frakkin' insane. Someone describes it as "medicinal" and that is indeed only nice thing I could say about it.

Who should buy this?

1) Those who hate life and all that is good in the world.
2) Curiosity seekers and daredevil types.
3) Those who may want to gauge their tastebuds against mine.

Please keep in mind however-those who venture into the world of Midnight Wit and return claiming a liking for it are, forever and always, dead to me.


1 Response to ' Beers I have hated '

  1. Anonymous '> June 14, 2008 at 3:36 AM

    "Hobo piss"? You've tried this?