Tequila Old-Fashioned...

By waltzingmathilda on 10:02 PM
...is my new best friend.

It is not a spectacular drink...but it does meet some key requirements. For one, I had all of the ingredients on hand. That's always a good thing. Two, I was too frakkin' tired to care what I was putting in my mouth. That also aids the process.

See, Husband, Two-Year-Old and I went do to Hampton to visit with Husband's father. We were to pick-up Sister-in-Law on the way on what SHOULD be a three-hour drive. I left work at 330PM on Friday, picked up Husband, Two-Year Old, and Sister-in-Law and we headed on on merry way.

We did not pull into Father-in-Law's place until 1130 that night.

Also, that night was spent with Two-Year-Old constantly waking and claiming to having "blanket issues."

Next day was pleasant. Today was the drive back. We left around 1PM and got in around 630PM. Not as bad, but much of that was spent trying to not get lost in DC.

So, what's my point, you ask? I did all of the driving (my choice, I admit it) and I was dead tired. I wanted something other than beer. So I found the recipe for this and, as I mentioned, happened to have all ingredients on hand:

Glass needed: Old-Fashioned (Duh!)

Tequila Old-Fashioned
1/2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp water

Mix these ingredients together in an Old-Fashioned glass. Then add:

1 1/2 oz tequila
shot of club soda (note: I actually filled to top of glass. I don't have proper Old-Fashioned glasses. Hint, hint to those who know me and buy me presents. I would also like hurricane glasses.)

So, what's the verdict? I veer away from sweet drinks, so this one worked pretty well for me-the sugar took the edge off the tequila, but it wasn't sweet at all. The club soda definitely lightened the drink. I could have used more citrus in it and, should I make it again, would add a squeeze of lime for kicks. It would be a nice go-to drink after a really rough day of work (or driving). Preferably a warm day.

That said, I would not go out of my way to make this drink again-but this one's definitely a keeper if you often end up with a refrigerator bare of any other mixers.


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