This is one of those wines you take a sip of and realize instantly what a steal it was. Nice big flavor, on the dry side with tastes of spice and berries- maybe even a touch of pepper. I'd love to have paired this with a nice piece of dark chocolate, but it worked just as well with the cheeseburgers we had instead.

Check out their web site.

We got this in Williamsburg, at a wonderful place called A Chef's Kitchen, where the chef and his wife, John and Wanda Gonzales, hand pick a lovely selection of wines for their small store. The best part? ALL of the wines are priced at $10. All of them. And after having bought several bottles from them, I trust their taste implicitly. And if you're ever in Williamsburg, I would suggest (based on recommendations from my in-laws) that you make the effort to join them for dinner.


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