Not being one to pass up a deal, I picked this wine up because of the lovely label and the equally pleasing price ($8.99). Its appears to be made by the Our Daily Red people, who describe it as:
Clockspring Vineyard in Amador gives us this unique Zin!!! One will find a wine that intersperses white pepper on the tongue with a medium weighted body-- a very adaptable wine that can be can be enjoyed with all types of food or on its own. This is not a high alcohol, prune and jam job most often associated with this region.

Me, I would say its the wine version of black cherry cola. Not unpleasant, but also not complicated- quite drinkable. I thought it was sweet (interesting that they say its not a "prune and jam job", considering cherry jam is the strongest note I found), and I couldn't catch the white pepper taste at all.


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